DNS Filters for a Safe, Compliant, Productive Workplace

Domain Name System (DNS) is an addressing system used by the internet through which domain names are located and translated into internet protocol (IP) addresses. When a user attempts to access a website through an internet browser, a DNS query is performed. The DNS server matches the request to the respective IP address of the domain and responds to the query by loading the requested web page on the user’s browser.

So what is DNS Filtering? It is a technique by which access to specific websites, web pages, or IP addresses, can be blocked or permitted. If a DNS filter is in place, the IP address being returned from the DNS server will be checked before it is permitted to load on the user’s browser. Therefore, DNS filtering ensures that the user is protected from online threats like viruses, malware, ransomware, and so on. DNS web filtering can also be used to block inappropriate websites and web pages that the user may be searching for, especially at the workplace.

Why your business needs DNS Filtering

  • First and foremost, DNS filtering is essential to protect your business against web-based attacks like phishing, malware, and ransomware. With hackers finding new and innovative ways to break into your system, it is important to take efforts to block malicious websites that your employees may open.
  • In the competitive world of business, compliances and certifications cannot be taken lightly – your hard work and reputation can all go down the drain because of a single failed security audit or an issue with non-compliance. Access to unauthorized websites poses a threat as it can result in compliance issues and a higher risk of security breaches. DNS filters help you fulfill some of the safety requirements mandated for compliances that deal with security and the responsible handling of customer data.
  • There are always some employees who browse through irrelevant websites while at work, make use of company internet for personal reasons or access content that may be against your policies. This not only wastes their time but also reduces their productivity. A DNS filter can help you prevent such issues, promoting a distraction-free, productive workspace.
  • A lot of businesses use open network Wi-Fi in place of LAN to help their employees move about freely in the office with their wireless devices such as laptops, tabs, and smartphones. Such networks are often without any filters or security, making them extremely vulnerable and putting them at risk of downloading unsafe content. Such networks are also susceptible to “man-in-the-middle” attacks where hackers intercept sensitive data. DNS filtering can be of great help in such cases.

Akku – DNS filtering, beyond the firewall

It is relatively straightforward to set up DNS filtering for your company’s internal network and block out online threats using a firewall. However, with the adoption of cloud computing and the flexibility it offers employees in terms of remote working and work-from-home options, the workspace has become more virtual these days, extending beyond the four walls of an office.

Akku’s integrated DNS filters make sure that your website filtering rules stay intact – both within your company network’s firewall, and outside it. With Akku, website access control instructions are maintained for all company devices, regardless of their location and IP address. Therefore, you can rest assured that your data protects against external threats and internal malware.

Want to know more about Akku’s DNS filtering service? Visit www.akku.work or email sales@akku.work.