BYOD Security & Compliance: How Akku’s Device-Based Access Controls Protect Your Data

A staggering
82% of organizations now have a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) program in place, with 68% reporting a boost in productivity after making the switch. Also, companies that adopt BYOD smartphones can save up to $341 per employee. However, with these advantages comes risk — data loss remains the top concern for organizations, especially with stats showing about 50% of employees fail to change their passwords after a data breach.

It’s clear these risks need to be addressed, a solution that incorporates device-based access controls along with necessary security to protect data while maintaining the flexibility of BYOD.

So what are the key security challenges in a BYOD world?

1. Data leaks

Personal devices are more prone to data breaches, as sensitive information may accidentally or intentionally be shared with unauthorized individuals. Reports are that the major security barriers include data leakage or loss (62%), downloading unsafe apps (54%), and stolen devices (53%). Despite these concerns, many organizations are still blind to the risks, with 49% unsure if malware has compromised their networks via BYOD.

2. Lost or stolen devices

When a device containing corporate data is lost or stolen, it poses a serious risk, as unauthorized users could gain access to critical information. Stats show that though 70% of BYOD applies to employees, other groups such as contractors (26%), partners (21%), customers (18%), and suppliers (14%) also access corporate networks, raising the stakes.

3. Malware and virus threats

Personal devices are not always equipped with the same level of security as company-issued ones, making them vulnerable to malware and viruses, which could compromise data integrity. Microsoft’s Digital Defense Report 2023 says BYOD should stand for “bring your own disaster” and reveals that about 90% of ransomware attacks in the past year stemmed from unmanaged devices, typically personal gadgets brought in from home that lack sufficient security protections. With global ransomware attacks skyrocketing by more than 200%, organizations adopting BYOD policies are unwittingly exposing their networks to substantial risks.

Akku’s device-based access controls

With Akku Access Manager, admins can easily whitelist approved devices, so only authorized devices like company-owned laptops or specific mobile devices can access your organization’s applications.

How does it work?

  • The Akku Agent is installed on the device to be whitelisted, similar to how you would install any other app
  • The Akku Agent authenticates the user account details to be activated
  • It then captures the device’s serial number and securely stores it on Akku’s server, linked to the user’s account
  • Each time the user attempts to log in, Akku compares the device’s serial number with the list of approved devices associated with that user
  • If the serial number matches, the user is granted access
  • If the user tries to log in from an unapproved device, access is denied

This system ensures that only trusted devices gain access to the company’s network, reducing the risks of unauthorized logins and data breaches.

With a device-based access control implemented, here’s how Akku protects your data.

1. Device authentication

Akku’s access controls ensure that only devices that meet your organization’s security criteria are permitted to access the network. For example, Akku uses an agent to grab the serial number and BIOS UUID from each user’s device, linking it to their profile. This makes sure that only the devices registered to a specific user can access their account.

2. Access controls and compliance

The BYOD policy should clearly define the permitted and prohibited use of personal devices within the workplace. It must also cover security, privacy concerns, and potential liabilities in case of breaches. With Akku Access Manager, admins can also set time limits for when users can access your organization’s apps. This feature makes sure that access is only allowed during certain time windows, adding another layer of security and control.

3. Real-time monitoring and reporting

Smart Analytics in Akku Access Manager keeps track of both successful and failed login attempts. It logs who’s trying to access which apps, along with details like the time, location, and authentication methods used. You also get insights into which AMFA checks are triggered most often, helping you prioritize those factors to make the login experience smoother for users. And it’s all in real-time.


It is time to take control of your BYOD security, compliance, and monitoring. Explore how Akku’s device-based access controls can protect your data!

A Customized Device-Based Access Control Solution for an Automotive Ancillary Major using Akku

Data security is a critical business priority today – this is especially true for businesses in industries such as manufacturing, where intellectual property as well as customer data are involved. 

This was the case for our client too – a leading player in the automotive ancillary manufacturing space. In this blog, we explore their specific challenge in safeguarding their digital assets, and how Akku was able to deliver a customized solution to address the client’s needs.

The Challenge

The client runs regular audits to assess their security posture, and to identify areas where their existing Google Workspace could itself provide adequate security measures in terms of access control. 

In one such audit, they identified a critical gap. Employees at the company were increasingly needing to work remotely, but the existing endpoint security solution was only capable of restricting access to the company’s network and disabling all remote access.

Additionally, it was necessary to permit access for any user from any approved company laptop or desktop – a challenge given that the conventional device-based restriction approach generally maps one user to one device.

Akku’s Innovative Approach

Our team at Akku addressed this challenge with a customized device-based restriction strategy. 

To allow any user to access applications and data from any of the company’s laptops or desktops, we decided to implement a many-to-many mapping system. This unique solution involved the development of a custom application, the Akku Agent, installed on every whitelisted device.

The Implementation

Through the client’s inventory system, all machine serial numbers were captured and uploaded to Akku. The login process was then revamped to require all users to authenticate via Akku only. 

When a user logs in, the Akku Agent now verifies the device’s serial number against the whitelisted devices in Akku, and allows access from any location, including outside the client’s network, as long as the request is made from an approved device.

This solution seamlessly addressed the core challenge of permitting remote user access from approved devices.

Tackling Mobile Access

The next hurdle was controlling mobile access. Based on the Google Workspace plans assigned to the company’s users, the Google Workspace Advanced MDM functionality addressed mobile access control for only a subset of the company’s users. 

For all other users, access from any mobile device remained unchecked. Additionally, inventorying all personal devices of employees was impractical.

Akku’s solution was to restrict user mobile access to a controlled number of manually approved devices per user. By default, users were not permitted mobile access. Upon necessity, they could contact the admin to get a device approved, ensuring secure and controlled mobile access. And in case of a change of device, such as on purchase of a new phone, the admin would be able to deactivate access to the old device and enable access to the new device.

The Outcome

By integrating Akku, the client not only overcame the limitations of their existing security system, but also enabled secure remote access for their employees with seamless device-based access control measures.

The solution addressed the unique challenges faced by our client through Akku’s flexibility and our team’s custom development and deployment solution.

Akku’s flexible and innovative IAM solutions can transform your organization’s security landscape too. Talk to us to know more today.

Enforce Device-based Restrictions with Akku

One of the biggest benefits of cloud computing is the level of accessibility it enables – from anywhere, and at any time. However, it is important to set up certain restrictions in order to protect your sensitive applications and privileged user accounts from being compromised.

One such important security measure involves setting up a device policy within your organization. Continue reading Enforce Device-based Restrictions with Akku

Permit Access only from Approved Devices and Whitelisted IPs!

Allowing your users to access your official data from anywhere and at any time sounds like a great idea! They can complete their work even when they are on the move by accessing your company’s cloud-based applications. So, why should we restrict access when it has all these pros?

When you permit unshackled access to your company’s applications from any location and device then you also expose your company’s sensitive data and apps to the risk of security or privacy breaches. The possibility of unauthorized access to your sensitive data is a major concern for any company using cloud-based applications.

Why do you need IP restriction?

IP-based access restriction is a great way to secure and protect your mission-critical business data outside your LAN by preventing access to your apps from any IP addresses other than your trusted whitelisted IP ranges.

How does IP-based restriction work?

An IAM solution offering IP-based restriction uses a customized SAML API and integrates with your cloud-based applications. That way, identity management is brought into a common platform across all service providers, with the IAM solution acting as the identity provider. With the identity provider enabling one point control, it is possible to restrict access to your applications only from permitted locations, regulations and IP addresses.

Why restrict based on device?

Device-based access restriction allows you to allow access for specific users only from authorized devices, to prevent misuse or loss of data – that way, users cannot access applications from devices that have not been approved for their use, and unauthorized people cannot access data from devices that may have been approved for other users.

How does device-based restriction work?

With many IAM solutions, device-based restriction is applied through the use of plugins – however more advanced solutions make use of a certificate-based authentication method which has the major advantage of being tamper proof.

A secure certificate-based authentication is completely platform and browser independent and enables cloud administrators to provide or revoke access to SaaS based applications only from specific devices, even when they are outside the office network. Restricting access based on device helps to minimize data breaches and provides the right access to the right people.

Akku offers an IP and device based access restriction feature to help ensure that your data is secure and well protected.