Cloud Security

What is CASB? How has data security changed with the cloud?

A Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) is an on-premises or cloud-based security policy point-of-enforcement. Originally, asset security was simpler since…

2 years ago

Enforce Device-based Restrictions with Akku

One of the biggest benefits of cloud computing is the level of accessibility it enables - from anywhere, and at…

5 years ago

Myths about Multi-factor Authentication

When large organizations like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook report password hacks, it throws some light on how vulnerable current systems…

5 years ago

What is Zero Trust Security?

As organizations increasingly place their data and applications across multiple locations on the cloud, zero trust security is rapidly gaining…

5 years ago

Why is multi-factor authentication indispensable?

Ever heard of the butterfly theory? A single flap of a butterfly’s wings in Australia has the potential to cause…

5 years ago

The IAM Imperative: Through An SMB’s Eyes

Today’s MNCs were once small or medium businesses (SMBs). Small and medium businesses are the proving ground for emerging technology,…

5 years ago

Password Managers can be Hacked. Now What?

On average, every person has 7.6 accounts - that’s a lot of user IDs and passwords for an individual! Remembering…

5 years ago

Cloud Multi-factor Authentication is the Future of Network Security

Is the only thing standing between your business’ critical data and a cyber attack a set of usernames and passwords?…

5 years ago

DNS Filters for a Safe, Compliant, Productive Workplace

  Domain Name System (DNS) is an addressing system used by the internet through which domain names are located and…

5 years ago

Adaptive Authentication for more efficient MFA security

Adaptive authentication, method for enforcing the right authentication factors depending on users profile and tendencies. It acts to balance the…

5 years ago